CECO Thermal Abatement Solutions, comprised of Adwest and EIS, is a global leader in thermal and catalytic oxidizer design, manufacturing and installation to reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with over 2400 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) and VOC abatement systems installed across the globe over three decades.
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) abate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), CO, odor and hazardous air pollutants (HAP) that are created through chemical processes, and industrial exhaust streams by combusting or oxidizing them into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) using extremely high temperatures.
This type of oxidizer uses extremely high heat, about 1500°F, to clean the exhaust of dangerous pollutants and compounds. Developed for emissions with large volumes, and low VOC concentration applications, RTO technology uses ceramic media as heat exchangers, and switching values. In this configuration, among other distinctions, the outgoing clean process stream of the secondary heat exchanger process is routed to another part of the plant for its use or back to the process itself.
Not all air abatement products are created equal. Our Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) have been developed to minimize the environmental impact of emission remediation by providing high destruction rate efficiency (DRE), solvent and heat recovery.
RTOs are a safe and effective method of abatement with the following key attributes:
High DRE rates in large volume streams
Reduce fossil fuel usage with heat recovery
Multi-canister designs available to treat all size applications
Long and reliable life-span of eqiupment with regular maintenance
Energy and Petrochemicals: Chemical, Petroleum & Hydrocarbon Processing, Midstream Amine Treating & Dehydrating, Geothermal Wellhead & Renewables, Ethanol & Biofuels Processing
Packaging and Printing: Flexible Packaging, Printing, Web Offset Printing, Inkjet Printers, Flexo & Rotogravure Presses
Coating and Converting: Metal Coil, Foil and Adhesive Coating, Beverage Can Coating, Surface Coating, Tape/Film/Paper Coating, Process Web Converting
Finishing: Plastics & Wood Finishing
Fiberglass, Carbon fiber and Composites: Insulation Mat Lines, Resins & Treating Steps, Phenolic Laminating, Composites, Carbon Fiber, Gelcoat & fiberglass processes
Building products: Wood Products, OSB Press & Veneer Dryers, Resin Manufacturing, Asphalt Roofing & Saturators
Gas Treatment: Biogas, Landfill Gas, Soil Remediation, Carbon Monoxide (CO) Exhaust, Acid Gas & Halogenated VOC processes
Recycling: Battery Recycling, Auto Recycling & Mega shredder Systems
Food Processing – Meat Smokehouses, Fishmeal & Rendering, Flavoring, Fragrances, Distilling & Protein Processing, Coffee, Cocoa and Nut roasters, Bakery Tunnel Ovens
Drying and Curing Processes/Equipment: Tunnel Ovens, Roasters, Spray Dryers, Web Flotation Dryers, Kilns, Litho Ovens
Paint Applications: Paint Finishing, Spray Coating & Cure Bake Ovens
Automotive & Aerospace: Automotive, Aerospace & Electric Vehicle Coating and Assembly.
EV Battery: EV Battery Manufacturing and Recycling.
Chemicals Processing: Paint, Aerosol & Varnish Manufacturing, EPS Molding, Styrene Production, Air Strippers, Tank Venting.
Rubber Processing: Rubber, Tire Tread Line, Mixer Off Gas & Gasket Processing
Electronics and Semiconductor: Semiconductor, Microelectronics, Circuit Board & Wafer Fab
Metals: Foundry, Rolling Mill Exhaust, and Lost Wax Casting
Pharma: Pharmaceutical Spray Dryers & Tablet Coaters
- Break down volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to meet annual limits restricted by local Title V permits and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new process sources emitting VOCs.
- Pollutants are hydrophobic and cannot be easily removed by wet scrubbing.
- Need to eliminate odiferous and/or reactive gases at high temps.
- Need to eliminate opacity out of exhaust stack (roaster fumes, meat smoker processes).
- The requirement for high VOC destruction by % weight or volume eliminates the applicability of bio and carbon filters. RTOs typically provide 98-99+ % VOC DRE vs Biofilter/Carbon @ 70-90% VOC DRE. RTOs do not have the frequent replenishment and replacement of components like carbon beds and activated carbon systems.
- More energy-efficient RTO Oxidizers are replacing older Direct-Fired Thermal Oxidizers (DFTOs) to achieve high VOC DRE and significantly reduce nitrous oxide/NOx emissions & with significantly lower RTO oxidizer energy usage.
With more than 150 years of industry experience, CECO Environmental is the total provider of solutions unique to your needs. Whether it is system design, engineering, and construction, to installation, maintenance and replacement media; CECO has you covered.
CECO Thermal Abatement Solutions
To learn more about these total solutions to improve the environmental performance of your business, fill out the form or click the email button below.